Gav Griffiths

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ARfm - Our Presenters - PowerDimension Rock Show

Hey Gav here,

Welcome to you becoming a Dimensionaught, a truly friendly, metal and rock loving Dimension!

The PowerDimension is two hours of the best Metal and Rock tracks I can put together for you every week.

I love this genre as its so diverse yet so many people miss out on it because of the word (Rock). Put the doubts aside and come join me every Thursday because i guarantee your missing out on some of the best tracks, melodies and beats there are. Rock, Metal, Grunge, Punk its all in there but also some of the greatest ballads of all time come from Rock legends, so stop and listen!

Bang up to date tracks and of course metal giants of the past! though not too old and hairy! I have them all.

Even if you think you are not a fan of rock music I can guarantee that I'll play you something you will love.

My one feature every week is

•             Out From Under The Rock

- here I search the darkest recesses of the Rock archives to find songs you know you have heard, but not like this. You have been warned!

Now of course, there's bound to be stuff I'm either not playing and you love, or I am playing and you totally hate?

in that case contact the show and tell me what your ears are after.

tweet @PDRockShow

or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ya Snooze, Ya Lose, so see ya there! Gav Griffiths

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